SAP Business One ? assisted JINAN UNITED CAN achieve real- time management

Date:2019/12/26 13:36:01????Editor:????Visits:????Close

   Before: Challenges and Opportunities

  •As the business grows, product categories have become more diverse which added pressure on delivery cycle.

  •The company still relies on old accounting management systems, making it difficult to effectively manage production, material, quality and inventory.

  •Lack of standardization across sales, procurement, planning, production, finance, and quality control.

  •Lack of management in material control, BOM and production.

  Why SAP and HUAZHI?

  •SAP Business One agility and scalability satisfied Jinan United Can’s long term development and expansion.

  •SAP provides a healthy ecosystem, regular software upgrades, a stable system and strong scalability.

  •HUAZHI QR solution could greatly improve production and inventory efficiency.

  After: Value-driven Benefits

  •SAP Business One enabled integration between sales and finance.

  •Efficient WMS system effectively solved the problems encountered during production and quality control.

  •PDA scanning enabled inventory control, reduced manual work and improved work efficiency and data accuracy.

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